eBART Mission

The eBART project strives to bring commute relief to the eastern portion of Contra Costa County within reasonable costs and time. eBART will provide East County with frequent, reliable, and high quality transit service. eBART will connect the growing region of East Contra Costa County with areas already served by BART.

eBART Partnership

The eBART project team is a partnership among BART, the Contra Costa Transportation Authority (CCTA) and the communities in East Contra Costa County. BART is the lead agency in the environmental review process for the eBART project

eBART Partnership Policy Advisory Committee (ePPAC) Purpose

The ePPAC provides policy direction during the project development phase over the next two years, and reports and recommends to the BART and CCTA Boards of Directors. ePPAC meetings are held at least quarterly on the second Thursday of the month at 7:00 p.m. in Antioch at the Tri Delta Transit office (801 Wilbur Avenue). Click on the “Calendar” tab at the top of this page to learn more about upcoming ePPAC meetings.

eBART Organizational Chart

ePPAC Members

Bob Taylor – City of Brentwood
Federal Glover – Contra Costa County
Brian Kalinowski – City of Antioch
Michael Kee – City of Pittsburg
Joel Keller – BART
Gail Murray – BART
Jim Frazier – City of Oakley
Mary Piepho – Contra Costa County
Ex-officio: Julie Pierce – TRANSPAC

Project Advisory Group (PAG) Description

PAG members consist of planners, city managers and engineers from communities in East Contra Costa County. The PAG works with BART staff at a technical level, and meets during key project milestones at least quarterly. The PAG also reports project findings to their representative ePPAC members.

BART Project Management

The BART Planning Department provides project management, in coordination with CCTA and consultant staff. The following BART departments also contribute to the project:

  • Transit System Development
  • Real Estate
  • Operations Liaisons
  • Government and Community Relations
  • BART Police
  • Safety
  • Legal
  • Property Development